Unable to log on to the ePO console (after a disaster recovery)
Technical Articles ID:
Last Modified: 2023-07-18 12:12:50 Etc/GMT
Last Modified: 2023-07-18 12:12:50 Etc/GMT
ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) 5.x
You're unable to log on to the ePO console after you perform an ePO disaster recovery.
You see dependency errors on the ePO console log on screen and in theorion.log file.
You reinstall a fresh copy of ePO as part of the disaster recovery process, and then restore those files. The ePolicy Orchestrator Application Server service starts, but you see dependency errors on the logon screen.
Theorion.log file records errors similar to the following:
EPOAGENTMETA - Dependency DataChannel had initialization error
ComputerMgmt - Dependency ldap had initialization error
RepositoryMgmt - Dependency ComputerMgmt had initialization error
A similar error displays for each of the installed extensions. In addition, the following error displays in theorion.log file:
core - Error creating bean with name 'core.ext.taskGlobals' defined in URL [jndi:/localhost/core/WEB-INF/beans.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: The following extensions are in a partially installed state: [DataChannel:, AvertAlerts:, Notifications:, rsd:, epolicensing:, hip_help:700.321, help:2.0.1, Issue:2.0.2, InstallHelper:, SIARevocation:1.0, epo_help:450.399, msa_help:450.378, scheduler:2.0.6, vse_help:880.848, PolicyMgmt:, VIRUSCAN8700:, console:2.0.5, ldap:2.0.4, rs:2.0.1, CommonEvents:, sae_200_help:200.321, VIRUSCANREPORTS:, epoMigration:, Countermeasures:, EPOCore:, VIRUSCAN8800:, response:2.0.5, AgentMgmt:, EPOAGENTMETA:, ComputerMgmt:, VSEMAS870000:, VSESTOMD1000:, RepositoryMgmt:]
NOTE: The names and version numbers of the extensions listed in the error message vary, depending on the ePO version and the extensions installed.
You see dependency errors on the ePO console log on screen and in the
You reinstall a fresh copy of ePO as part of the disaster recovery process, and then restore those files. The ePolicy Orchestrator Application Server service starts, but you see dependency errors on the logon screen.
A similar error displays for each of the installed extensions. In addition, the following error displays in the
NOTE: The names and version numbers of the extensions listed in the error message vary, depending on the ePO version and the extensions installed.
This issue can occur if you create a folder inside ..\Program files (x86)\McAfee\ , which starts with the name ePolicy. For example, ePolicy Orchestrator backup.
This situation can cause a change to the 8.3 path for the new ePO installation directory when ePO is reinstalled. This change causes the 8.3 paths in the config files that were backed up during the disaster recovery process to be incorrect.
dir /x command to view the 8.3 names of all folders in the McAfee directory.
A typicaldir /x listing for the McAfee folder looks similar to the following:
c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee>dir /x
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 948C-0BDC
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR>
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR>
01/29/2014 01:36 PM <DIR> COMMON~1 Common Framework
03/20/2014 09:31 AM <DIR> EPOLIC~1 ePolicy Orchestrator
06/18/2013 04:12 PM <DIR> VIRUSS~1 VirusScan Enterprise
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 1,091,317,760 bytes free
In the above list, the 8.3 name of the ePolicy Orchestrator folder is EPOLIC~1 .
You see the following after you create another folder in the root of McAfee, which starts with the same eight characters (for example, ePolicy backup). After ePO is uninstalled, the original ePO folder is deleted before you can reinstall ePO. The 8.3 name is changed for the new ePO folder that's created during the reinstallation of ePO.
Thedir /x listing looks similar to the following after ePO is reinstalled:
c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee>dir /x
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 948C-0BDC
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> .
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> ..
01/29/2014 01:36 PM <DIR> COMMON~1 Common Framework
04/21/2014 11:12 AM <DIR> EPOLIC~1 epolicy backup
03/20/2014 09:31 AM <DIR> EPOLIC~2 ePolicy Orchestrator
06/18/2013 04:12 PM <DIR> VIRUSS~1 VirusScan Enterprise
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 1,091,317,760 bytes free
In the above list, the 8.3 name of the newly created ePolicy Orchestrator folder is nowEPOLIC~2 instead of the original EPOLIC~1 .
When ePO is uninstalled during the disaster recovery process, the ePolicy Orchestrator folder is removed. The 8.3 name that was reserved for this folderEPOLIC~1 is no longer reserved.
If a new folder is created under the McAfee directory that starts with the same eight characters, for example, ePolicy Backup, this folder automatically gets assigned the 8.3 name ofEPOLIC~1 . This name was previously used for the original ePO installation folder.
Reinstallation sequence of events:
This situation can cause a change to the 8.3 path for the new ePO installation directory when ePO is reinstalled. This change causes the 8.3 paths in the config files that were backed up during the disaster recovery process to be incorrect.
Use the following process to determine the 8.3 name for the ePolicy Orchestrator installation folder on the ePO server:
- Click Start, Run, type
cmd , and then click OK. - Change to the McAfee Directory. Example:
CD c:\program files (x86)\McAfee .
A typical
c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee>dir /x
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 948C-0BDC
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR>
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR>
01/29/2014 01:36 PM <DIR> COMMON~1 Common Framework
03/20/2014 09:31 AM <DIR> EPOLIC~1 ePolicy Orchestrator
06/18/2013 04:12 PM <DIR> VIRUSS~1 VirusScan Enterprise
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 1,091,317,760 bytes free
In the above list, the 8.3 name of the ePolicy Orchestrator folder is
You see the following after you create another folder in the root of McAfee, which starts with the same eight characters (for example, ePolicy backup). After ePO is uninstalled, the original ePO folder is deleted before you can reinstall ePO. The 8.3 name is changed for the new ePO folder that's created during the reinstallation of ePO.
c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee>dir /x
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 948C-0BDC
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> .
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> ..
01/29/2014 01:36 PM <DIR> COMMON~1 Common Framework
04/21/2014 11:12 AM <DIR> EPOLIC~1 epolicy backup
03/20/2014 09:31 AM <DIR> EPOLIC~2 ePolicy Orchestrator
06/18/2013 04:12 PM <DIR> VIRUSS~1 VirusScan Enterprise
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 1,091,317,760 bytes free
In the above list, the 8.3 name of the newly created ePolicy Orchestrator folder is now
When ePO is uninstalled during the disaster recovery process, the ePolicy Orchestrator folder is removed. The 8.3 name that was reserved for this folder
If a new folder is created under the McAfee directory that starts with the same eight characters, for example, ePolicy Backup, this folder automatically gets assigned the 8.3 name of
Reinstallation sequence of events:
- When ePO is reinstalled, the installer creates a folder with the name ePolicy Orchestrator. Because there's already another folder in this same directory that starts with the same eight characters, Windows assigns the 8.3 name of
EPOLIC~2 . All files that were part of the original ePO installation that were backed up as part of the disaster recovery process now point to the original 8.3 folder name (for example:c:\PROGRA~2\McAfee\EPOLIC~1) . In this instance, it now equates to the long path name ofc:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Backup . - The disaster recovery process completes.
- The configuration files directed to the now incorrect 8.3 path are restored.
- At this point, ePO fails to work correctly.
Solution 1
Perform another disaster recovery, and follow the steps in KB66616 - ePolicy Orchestrator server backup and disaster recovery procedure.
- Before you follow the disaster recovery steps, locate the exact Program Files directory that ePO is being installed to. Remove any folder found in the root of the McAfee folder that starts with ePolicy.
- The ePolicy folder must not be the actual ePO folder being used by the current ePO installation.
c:\Program Files\ePolicy Orchestrator Backup c:\Program Files (x86)\ePolicy backup d:\Program Files\epolicy
After ePO is reinstalled, the 8.3 name of the ePolicy Orchestrator folder is
Solution 2
Change the path for all configuration files that were recovered during disaster recovery. See step 2 of the "Backing Up" section in KB66616 - ePolicy Orchestrator server backup and disaster recovery procedure. This step provides an explanation of how to point to the new 8.3 path.
Use the following process to determine the correct 8.3 path for the current ePolicy Orchestrator installation directory on the ePO server:
- Click Start, Run, type
cmd , and then click OK. - Change to the McAfee Directory (for example:
cd c:\program files (x86)\McAfee). - Use the
dir /x command to view the 8.3 names of all folders in the McAfee directory.
NOTE: Because of the issue, the 8.3 name listed at this point is probablyEPOLIC~2 ; so the full path looks similar toC:\PROGRA~2\McAfee\EPOLIC~2
- Open the following files in a text editor, locate the lines specified for each, and change the paths to reflect the correct or current 8.3 path determined in the previous step:
C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\APACHE2\conf\httpd.conf
ServerRoot DocumentRoot <Directory ErrorLog
C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\APACHE2\conf\ssl.conf
- DocumentRoot
- ErrorLog
C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Server\conf\epo\epo.properties
epo.install.dir epo.db.dir
C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Server\conf\orion\log-config.xml
Change the paths on the lines starting with <param name="File"
C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Server\conf\orion\orion.properties
extension.install.dir extension.tmp.dir
Solution 3
Change the 8.3 name for the ePO installation directory back to the original. Then, change the 8.3 path for all files and registry key entries listed below. Change all entries that were created during the fresh ePO installation during the disaster recovery process:
- Click Start, Run, type
services.msc , and then click OK. - Right-click each of the following ePO services and select Stop:
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Application Server McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Event Parser McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Server
- Click Start, Run, type
explorer , and then click OK. - Navigate to
..\Program Files\McAfee\ - Delete any backup folders in the McAfee directory (for example:
..\Program Files\McAfee\ePolicy Backup ). Leave only the ePolicy Orchestrator directory being used by the current installation. - Rename the ePolicy Orchestrator directory being used by the current installation so that the first eight characters are changed (for example:
c:\Program Files\New_ePolicy Orchestrator) .
Adir /x list command looks similar to the following:
c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee>dir /x
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 948C-0BDC
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> .
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> ..
01/29/2014 01:36 PM <DIR> COMMON~1 Common Framework
03/20/2014 09:31 AM <DIR> NEW_EP~1 New_ePolicy Orchestrator
06/18/2013 04:12 PM <DIR> VIRUSS~1 VirusScan Enterprise
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 1,091,317,760 bytes free
- Rename this folder back to ePolicy Orchestrator. This action changes the 8.3 path back to the original. A
dir /x looks similar to the following:
c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee>dir /x
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 948C-0BDC
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> .
04/21/2014 10:19 AM <DIR> ..
01/29/2014 01:36 PM <DIR> COMMON~1 Common Framework
03/20/2014 09:31 AM <DIR> EPOLIC~1 ePolicy Orchestrator
06/18/2013 04:12 PM <DIR> VIRUSS~1 VirusScan Enterprise
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 1,091,317,760 bytes free
- Open the following files in a text editor. Locate the lines specified for each of the following. Change the paths to reflect the correct 8.3 path that was determined in the step above:
C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Server\bin\setenv.bat
Djava.security.auth.login.config== set JRE_HOME=
C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Server\bin\setenv.sh
Export CATALINA_HOME= Djava.security.auth.login.config== Export JRE_HOME=
- Navigate to the following registry keys, locate the values specified for each, and change the paths to reflect the correct 8.3 path determined in the step above:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\MCAFEETOMCATSRV250\Parameters\Java
Classpath (There are several paths that need to be updated in this multi-string)JavaHome JVM Options
HKLM\Software\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\
ApacheFolder DBFolder DBPropsFile InstallFolder ServerINI TomcatFolder
NOTE: The paths listed for the above service keys might use the long path name.
Example:c:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Server\bin\tomcat5.exe
In the case above, you don't need to change the path if it's correct.
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