X #8716 ScrptExe Line 11: GetOsInfo szOSType = ALL X #8716 ScrptExe Got the os info requested. 将 szOSType 设置为 WINXW:10:0:0
... X #8716 ScrptUtl Found szPlatformID in the global symbol table. X #8716 ScrptExe Line 552: XmlGetItem szPlatformID = PlatformID, , ELEMENT, 3346915045, ProductPackage25\ProductDetection2, X #8716 ScrptExe Got the value of PlatformID. Setting szPlatformID to MAC|LINUX|SCM|WIN95|WIN98|WINME|WNTW|WNTS|W2KW|W2KS|WXPHE|WXPW|WXPS|WVST|WVSTS|WNT7W X #8716 ScrptExe ReturnIf X #8716 ScrptExe Line 553: ReturnIf FALSE, FALSE X #8716 ScrptExe IsPlatformMatch X #8716 ScrptUtl bRet not in the local symbol table. Searching the global symbol table... X #8716 ScrptUtl Found bRet in the global symbol table. X #8716 ScrptExe Line 554: IsPlatformMatch bRet = WINXW:10:0:0, MAC|LINUX|SCM|WIN95|WIN98|WINME|WNTW|WNTS|W2KW|W2KS|WXPHE|WXPW|WXPS|WVST|WVSTS|WNT7W X #8716 ScrptExe Platform match failed. 将 bRet 设置为 FALSE
X #8716 ScrptExe Line 1378: ReportStatus Updates were not applied because the updates are not supported on this platform: EXTRADAT1000. X #8716 ScrptExe Updates were not applied because the updates are not supported on this platform: EXTRADAT1000.
... I #8716 MueEep Invoking EndUpdateDialog withTitle " Update Failed" Message " Please check the update log for more details." CountdownMessage " " CountdownValue" 0" I #8716 SessMgr Final session state is 2 I #8716 mue Updater session state = <2>, Update session result = "FAILED".