Si ricevono agent eventi che indicano che il agent non riesce a eseguire l'installazione dopo aver intraprendere una delle azioni riportate di seguito:
- Creare un'attività per l'upgrade di MA.
- Installare MA in locale.
- Si dispone di un'attività creata in ePO per distribuire MA e viene eseguita in base a una pianificazione definita.
Questo evento non riuscito viene generato, anche se la versione agent selezionata per l'installazione è già stata installata correttamente.
McScript_Deploy.log da un sistema registra gli errori riportati di seguito:
ScrptMain START [C:\Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\McScript_InUse.exe -script C:\ProgramData\McAfee\Agent\update\InstallMain.McS -id 27320 -localeid 0409 -logfile C:\ProgramData\McAfee\Agent\logs\McScript_deploy -parent FRAMEWORK -initiator 4 -installdir C:\Program Files\McAfee\Agent\\x86\ -taskid <ID>]
SutDnWtch Successfully set up shutdown watch
MueEep Initializing MUE EEP Script ID = 27320
crypto Crypto logger used <0228A678>
crypto Key imported successfully and recognized in RSA format
mue Got Build Version : 5.7.5504 from task
mue Got SoftwareBranch : Install\EPOAGENT3000 from task
mue Got version, From policy compatibility General EPOAGENT3000\Evaluation :, From task: 5.7.5504
mue Setting Install option [Install]:Install_1:EPOAGENT3000
mue Setting Install option command line option
mue Got version, From policy compatibility General EPOAGENT3000\Evaluation :, From task: 5.7.5504
mue version matching. policy: 5.7.5504, task: 5.7.5504
mue No of products to be installed 1 pm_client checking is product compatible for install type Install
pm_service resolving installing softwares <EPOAGENT3000(; >, uninstalling softwares <>
pm_service getting installed software list from system
pm_service installed software id: DXL_____1000, version:
pm_service installed software id: ENDP_AM_1070, version:
m_service installed software id: EPOAGENT3000, version:
pm_service installed software id: ENDP_GS_1070, version:
pm_service checking install order compatibility
ScrptExe Executing section: [SendFailEvent]
ScrptMgr Error occurred while installing EPOAGENT3000.
MueEep Invoking events withEventId " 0" Severity " 4" Productid " EPOAGENT3000" Locale " 0409" UpdateType " Install" UpdateError " -1" iUpdateState " 9" New Version "" Date Time " " Script Id" 27320" Custom Message " "
MueEep Updating session state to 9
MueEep Updating final session state to 9
ScrptExe Executing section: [InstallProduct]
ScrptMgr Update Finished
SessMgr Final session state is 9
mue Updater session state = <9>, Update session result = "FAILED".
mue Updater install <0> uninstall <0> update <0>
LpcConnMgr Stopping lpc connection manager