Perform the steps below to run the SQL script on the ePO core database to find the list of SQL jobs with their status (Active / Inactive) and schedule details:
- Log on to SQL Server Management Studio.
- Expand Databases.
- Right-click on the ePO core database, and click New Query.
- Paste the script below into the query window, and click Execute.
DECLARE @Coredbname NVARCHAR(500)= DB_NAME(),
@EventdbName NVARCHAR(500) = DB_NAME()+'_Events';
SELECT AS JobName, AS ScheduleName,
WHEN 1 THEN 'Once'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Daily'
WHEN 8 THEN (case when (SS.freq_recurrence_factor > 1) then 'Every ' + convert(varchar(3),SS.freq_recurrence_factor) + ' Weeks' else 'Weekly' end)
WHEN 16 THEN (case when (SS.freq_recurrence_factor > 1) then 'Every ' + convert(varchar(3),SS.freq_recurrence_factor) + ' Months' else 'Monthly' end)
WHEN 32 THEN 'Every ' + convert(varchar(3),SS.freq_recurrence_factor) + ' Months' -- RELATIVE
WHEN 64 THEN 'SQL Startup'
WHEN 128 THEN 'SQL Idle'
END AS Frequency,
WHEN (freq_type = 1) then 'One time only'
WHEN (freq_type = 4 and freq_interval = 1) then 'Every Day'
WHEN (freq_type = 4 and freq_interval > 1) then 'Every ' + convert(varchar(10),freq_interval) + ' Days'
WHEN (freq_type = 8) then (select 'Weekly Schedule' = MIN(D1+ D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7 )
from (select SS.schedule_id,
'D1' = CASE WHEN (freq_interval & 1 <> 0) then 'Sun ' ELSE '' END,
'D2' = CASE WHEN (freq_interval & 2 <> 0) then 'Mon ' ELSE '' END,
'D3' = CASE WHEN (freq_interval & 4 <> 0) then 'Tue ' ELSE '' END,
'D4' = CASE WHEN (freq_interval & 8 <> 0) then 'Wed ' ELSE '' END,
'D5' = CASE WHEN (freq_interval & 16 <> 0) then 'Thu ' ELSE '' END,
'D6' = CASE WHEN (freq_interval & 32 <> 0) then 'Fri ' ELSE '' END,
'D7' = CASE WHEN (freq_interval & 64 <> 0) then 'Sat ' ELSE '' END
from msdb..sysschedules ss
where freq_type = 8
) as F
where schedule_id = SJ.schedule_id
WHEN (freq_type = 16) then 'Day ' + convert(varchar(2),freq_interval)
WHEN (freq_type = 32) then (select freq_rel + WDAY
from (select SS.schedule_id,
'freq_rel' = CASE(freq_relative_interval)
WHEN 1 then 'First'
WHEN 2 then 'Second'
WHEN 4 then 'Third'
WHEN 8 then 'Fourth'
WHEN 16 then 'Last'
'WDAY' = CASE (freq_interval)
WHEN 1 then ' Sun'
WHEN 2 then ' Mon'
WHEN 3 then ' Tue'
WHEN 4 then ' Wed'
WHEN 5 then ' Thu'
WHEN 6 then ' Fri'
WHEN 7 then ' Sat'
WHEN 8 then ' Day'
WHEN 9 then ' Weekday'
WHEN 10 then ' Weekend'
from msdb..sysschedules SS
where SS.freq_type = 32
) as WS
where WS.schedule_id = SS.schedule_id
END AS Interval,
CASE (freq_subday_type)
WHEN 1 then left(stuff((stuff((replicate('0', 6 - len(active_start_time)))+ convert(varchar(6),active_start_time),3,0,':')),6,0,':'),8)
WHEN 2 then 'Every ' + convert(varchar(10),freq_subday_interval) + ' seconds'
WHEN 4 then 'Every ' + convert(varchar(10),freq_subday_interval) + ' minutes'
WHEN 8 then 'Every ' + convert(varchar(10),freq_subday_interval) + ' hours'
END AS [Time],
CASE SJ.next_run_date
WHEN 0 THEN cast('n/a' as char(10))
ELSE convert(char(10), convert(datetime, convert(char(8),SJ.next_run_date)),120) + ' ' + left(stuff((stuff((replicate('0', 6 - len(next_run_time)))+ convert(varchar(6),next_run_time),3,0,':')),6,0,':'),8)
END AS NextRunTime
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS S
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps AS JOBSTEPS ON JOBSTEPS.job_id = S.job_id
LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules SJ on S.job_id = SJ.job_id
LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysschedules SS on SS.schedule_id = SJ.schedule_id
JOBSTEPS.[database_name] IN (@Coredbname,@EventdbName)
order by;
Example Output:
Job Name |
Schedule Name |
Database_name |
Command |
Enabled |
Frequency |
Interval |
Time |
Next Run Time |
PURGEEvents |
ePO_RGC-510 |
Example WHERE clauses value for @PurgeWhere
Clause variable: * Purge all occurrences |
1 |
Daily |
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat |
Every 1 hour |
2023-02-20 14:00:00 |