Starting with ePO 5.10 Update 14, a new property is available to use when you build certain queries in ePO.
Specifically, when you build a query using the System Management Feature Group and the Systems Result Type, you're now able to select a new Product Version (Fast) property when you compare versions of installed products.
The "Fast" property versions are only available when you configure criteria in a Boolean Pie Chart or when you add a Product Version filter to the query. These are the two places where you can compare product versions. For example, under the filter tab, you can now see a property named Product Version (Fast) (Agent) along with the previously existing Product Version (Agent). The "Fast" property versions are available to use for any product installed in your ePO server.
Before ePO 5.10 Update 14, any query for filtering or comparing product versions needs to be performed by first breaking down each section of the version number and comparing these sections individually (i.e., is broken down into 5, 7, 5, and 504). This process happens when you run a query; it's slow and resource-intensive. With ePO 5.10 Update 14, product versions are now broken down and stored in simple form as a separate attribute in the database. When you build a query using the new "Fast" version of the product version property in Boolean comparisons or filters, it allows the query to compare product versions using the simple version attribute instead of processing each section of the build separately.
NOTE: You can still use the old product version property with ePO 5.10 Update 14 in case of any pre-existing queries. It's recommended that any existing or new query using a Boolean comparison or filter on product versions be configured with this new "Fast" version of the product version property to improve performance.