根据 KB56207-Data Collection,为 ePO 启用日志级别 8 -如何启用日志级别8以进行 ePolicy Orchestrator 故障排除。
<ePO installed folder>\db\logs\EpoApSvr_systemname.log. Below is an example.
20220417062358 I #14268 NAINET Connected to Server: update.nai.com on Port: 80 using WinInet
20220417062358 I #14268 INETMGR Started download session 1 for site McAfeeHttp.
20220417062358 I #14268 SITEMGR Downloading file SiteStat.xml from site McAfeeHttp
20220417062358 I #14268 INETMGR Downloading file SiteStat.xml from session 1, LocalDir=C:\Windows\TEMP\naiD0B5.tmp\00000001, RemoteDir=.
20220417062358 I #14268 NAINET Open URL: http://update.nai.com:80/Products/CommonUpdater/SiteStat.xml
20220417062358 I #14268 NAINET Trying to download using Microsoft WinInet library
20220417062358 I #14268 NAINET Connecting to Proxy Server Test.mcafee.com:9090 using INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY
20220417062358 I #14268 NAINET No resume download needed, calling InternetOpenUrl
20220417062358 X #14268 NAINET HTTPConnection.cpp(2776): Internet status detecting proxy
20220417062358 I #14268 NAINET Resolving name Proxy.mcafee.com to address
20220417062358 I #14268 NAINET Name resolved to
20220417062358 X #14268 NAINET HTTPConnection.cpp(2800): Sending request
20220417062358 X #14268 NAINET HTTPConnection.cpp(2784): Receiving response
20220417062358 X #14268 NAINET HTTPConnection.cpp(2796): Response receiveD
20220303103721 I #10056 NAINET Open URL: http://update.nai.com:80/Products/CommonUpdater/Current/ENDPCNT_1000/DAT/0000/EXP_20220129_12052_ENDP_AM_1000.zip?hash=828A3D16F7EC392C899BC5B9409317E1F223E11271374A39E2DCABB6DDC153D0
20220303103721 I #10056 NAINET Trying to download using Microsoft WinInet library
20220303103721 I #10056 NAINET Connecting to Real Server update.nai.com using INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT
20220303103721 I #10056 NAINET No resume download needed, calling InternetOpenUrl
20220303103724 E #10056 NAINET HTTPConnection.cpp(3262): HTTP Server returned Error : 403
20220303103724 I #10056 NAINET Failed to download the URL /Products/CommonUpdater/Current/ENDPCNT_1000/DAT/0000/EXP_20220129_12052_ENDP_AM_1000.zip?hash=828A3D16F7EC392C899BC5B9409317E1F223E11271374A39E2DCABB6DDC153D0 using Wininet
20220303103724 I #10056 NAINET Trying to download using windows socket library
20220303103724 I #10056 NAINET Connecting to Real Server: update.nai.com on port: 80