Un déploiement ENSM échoue sur macOS avec Trellix Agent.
McScript_Deploy.log (at
/var/McAfee/agent/logs) contient les informations suivantes pour l'échec du déploiement :
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] resolving installing softwares <ENDPATP_1070MACX(; ENDP_AM_1070MACX(; >, uninstalling softwares <>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] getting installed software list from system
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] installed software id: DXL_____1000, version:
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] installed software id: EPOAGENT3000, version:
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] checking install order compatibility
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] [2] checking install order compatibility for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] getting spec entry for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] Entry found in spec file with id:<MC_ENDPAM>, epoids:<ENDP_AM_.*>, name:<ENSM TP>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] step a). checking resolve obsoletes for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>, version:
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] step b). checking resolve uninstalls for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] step c). checking dependency for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] dependency check success for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>, now checking compatibility.
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] step d). checking compatibility for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I] compatibility success for <ENDP_AM_1070MACX>
2021-10-14 16:33:23 [3753] (140735487050624) [pm_service] [I]
REMARQUE : La vérification de compatibilité ci-dessus consiste à déterminer si la version installée de l'agent Trellix est compatible pour déployer la version du produit géré. La vérification indique le succès de la compatibilité.
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [E] [Executing section RunInstallScript]->
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [E] [Line 2056: RunScript dwRet = /var/McAfee/agent/update/Current/ENDP_AM_1070MACX/Install/0000/PkgInstallation.McS, ScriptMain]->
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [E] [Executing section ScriptMain]->
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [E] [Call]->
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [E] [Executing section RunCommand]->
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [E] [SetWorkDir]->
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptMgr] [E] Failed to set the working dir as /var/McAfee/agent/update\Current\ENDP_AM_1070MACX\Install
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [I] Executing section: [SendUnsupportedMAError]
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [MueEep] [I] Invoking events withEventId " 0" Severity " 4" Productid " McAfee-Threat-Prevention-for-Mac" Locale " 0409" UpdateType " Install" UpdateError " 40100" iUpdateState " 9" New Version " 10.7.8" Date Time " " Script Id" 1837811738" Custom Message " "
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [MueEep] [I] Updating session state to 9
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [I] Script executed. Setting dwRet to 1
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptMgr] [I] Setting the working dir as /var/McAfee/agent/update
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [I] Executing section: [RebootNeeded]
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [I] Executing section: [CheckRebootNeededDuringInstall]
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [I] Executing section: [SendFailEvent]
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptMgr] [I] Error occurred while installing ENDP_AM_1070MACX.
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [MueEep] [I] Invoking events withEventId " 0" Severity " 4" Productid " ENDP_AM_1070MACX" Locale " 0000" UpdateType " Install" UpdateError " -1" iUpdateState " 9" New Version "" Date Time " " Script Id" 1837811738" Custom Message " "
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [MueEep] [I] Updating session state to 9
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptExe] [I] Executing section: [InstallProduct]
2021-10-14 16:34:51 [3753] (140735487050624) [ScrptMgr] [I] Update Finished
REMARQUE : Le chiffre 9 pour la mise à jour indique un échec.