升级 ENS 后,有时按访问扫描更改策略中高风险或低风险进程的操作不会生效。 为每种类型添加了大量进程之后,不会在端点上强制执行更改。 ENS 日志包含与以下内容类似的错误。
2020-09-21 12:06:39.715Z|Error |oasbl |mfetp | 5296| 5920|OAS |oasbl.cpp(6673) | Failed to set property : OAS_PROCESSES_LIST
2020-09-21 12:06:39.715Z|Error |MaSpb |mfetp | 5296| 2820|MaSpb |msgbus_EnforcePolicies.cpp(2089) | Failed to enforce OAS policies. Error: 0x26
2020-09-21 12:06:39.684Z|Debug |oasbl |mfetp | 5296| 5920|OAS |oasbl.cpp(5479) | GetProcessGroup groupName: Low
2020-09-21 12:06:39.700Z|Debug |oasbl |mfetp | 5296| 5920|OAS |oasbl.cpp(6549) | SetPropertyBegin AVPolicyBeginUpdate policy update handle provided
2020-09-21 12:06:39.715Z|Debug |oasbl |mfetp | 5296| 5920|OAS |oasbl.cpp(10263) | [LOGGER]Failed to format message due to invalid/missing arguments!!! [CheckProcessExistInOtherList processGroup: %s processList: %s modified: %d]
2020-09-21 12:06:39.715Z|Debug |oasbl |mfetp | 5296| 5920|OAS |oasbl.cpp(10139) | SaveProcessList: 0x26
2020-09-21 12:06:39.715Z|Error |oasbl |mfetp | 5296| 5920|OAS |oasbl.cpp(6673) | Failed to set property : OAS_PROCESSES_LIST
2020-09-21 12:06:39.715Z|Debug |oasbl |mfetp | 5296| 5920|OAS |oasbl.cpp(6614) | SetPropertyEnd AVPolicyEndUpdate failed. AVError = 0xa7f4050d