Perform the steps below to find the missing column, view, or function:
- Open SQL Management Studio.
- Expand Databases and select your ePO database.
- Right-click on the ePO database and click New Query.
- Type the following commands in the blank area:
Query 1 - The query below helps find the tags column from the
ePOLeafNodeMT table:
A sample of the results that the query generates is shown below:
Query 2 - The query below helps check whether the
ePoLeafNode view is listed in the ePO database:
Select * from sys.views where name = 'EPOLeafNode'
A sample of the results that the query generates is shown below:
Query 3 - The query below helps to check whether the function name is available in the ePO core database:
Select * from sys.objects where name like 'epofn_tagcreatelist'
A sample of the results that the query generates is shown below:
Perform either of the following options to resolve the issue:
Option 1:
- If the Query 1 results show that the tags column is missing, run the following script to find the tags column from the ePoLeafNodeMT table:
Alter table EPOLeafNodeMT add ExcludedTags AS ([dbo].[epofn_tagCreateList]([AutoID],(1)));
- After the successful completion of the above query, run the script below:
EXEC sp_refreshView N'EPOLeafNode';
Option 2:
If the Query 1 results show the tags column, run only the following script to refresh the EPOLeafNode-view:
EXEC sp_refreshView N'EPOLeafNode';