The normal installation and upgrade procedures are contained in the
Endpoint Security for Linux Threat Prevention Installation Guide. This article describes how to update an existing build package with support for more kernel modules.
The kernel module update package (
McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Release-ePO) provides support for new kernel updates without requiring you to upgrade the ENSL product.
Scenarios |
Pathways |
ENSL 10.7.5.x (or later) is deployed and a new kernel module update package is available for that version |
Kernel module update |
ENSL 10.7.5.x (or later) is checked-in and a new kernel module update package is available for that version |
Install ENSL with the newer kernel module package |
ENSL 10.7.4.x (or earlier) is checked-in and deployed |
Upgrade ENSL with the newer kernel module package |
The following sections contain instructions for each of these pathways.
Kernel Module Update:
Follow the relevant instructions for an ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) managed system or standalone system.
- ePO kernel module update:
Requirement – A 10.7.5.x or later version of the McafeeTP and McAfeeESP-KernelModule packages is checked-in to ePO and ENSL is deployed.
- Check in the package McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Release-ePO to ePO in the same branch as A message for overwriting the package is shown. Click Save to check in the package.
- Select the systems where the kernel module update has to be done.
- Click Actions, Agent, Edit Tasks on Single System. A new page opens.
- Click New Client Task Assignment.
- Click McAfee Agent under Product, Product Update under Task Type, and click Create New Task.
- Enter a task name.
- Select McAfee Endpoint Security Kernel Modules for Linux 10.7.X under package types and deselect all other boxes. Click Save.
- Select the Schedule type as Run immediately and click Save. The new task appears under the tasks list.
- Select the systems where the update has to run, and click Wake Up Agents.
- Wait until the task is completed.
- Run the following command on the system. The command should show the latest kernel module version 10070Xxxx:
lsmod | grep -i mfe
- Standalone kernel module update on a Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) system:
Requirement – A 10.7.5.x or later version of McAfee TP is installed and running.
- Copy on to your system.
- Unzip the package with the following command:
unzip McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Release-ePO.Zip -d kernel_module
- Run the following commands in the order listed:
cd kernel_module
mkdir aac_fileaccess
tar -zxvf McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Full.linux.tar.gz -C aac_fileaccess
mkdir /tmp/ens_pkg/
mkdir /tmp/ens_pkg/install/
cd aac_fileaccess
cp McAfeeESPAac-10.7.X-xxx.x86_64.rpm McAfeeESPFileAccess-10.7.X-xxx.x86_64.rpm /tmp/ens_pkg/install/
yum -y --nogpgcheck --noplugins --disablerepo=* install /tmp/ens_pkg/install/*.rpm
/opt/McAfee/ens/tp/init/ stop
/opt/McAfee/ens/tp/init/ start
lsmod | grep -i mfe
NOTE: This command should show the 100705xxx version of the kernel module.
rpm -qa | grep -i mcafee
NOTE: This command should show that the aac and fileaccess version is
- Standalone kernel module update on a Debian system:
Requirement – A 10.7.5.x or later version of McAfee TP is installed and running.
- Copy McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Release-ePO on to your system.
- Unzip the package with the following command:
unzip McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Release-ePO.Zip -d kernel_module
- Run the following commands in the order listed:
cd kernel_module
mkdir aac_fileaccess
tar -zxvf McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Full.linux.tar.gz -C aac_fileaccess
cd aac_fileaccess
dpkg --install McAfeeESPAac-10.7.X-xxx.deb
dpkg --install McAfeeESPFileAccess-10.7.X-xxx.deb
/opt/McAfee/ens/tp/init/ stop
/opt/McAfee/ens/tp/init/ start
lsmod | grep -i mfe
NOTE: This command should show the 100705xxx version of the kernel module.
dpkg-query -l | grep -i mcafee
NOTE: This command should show that the aac and fileaccess version is 10.7.X-xxx.
Install ENSL with the Newer Kernel Module Package:
Requirement – A 10.7.5.x or later version of the
McafeeTP and
McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Release-ePO packages is checked-in to ePO. Make sure that both the kernel module and installation packages are in the same branch.
- Trigger the installation task from ePO.
- Wait until the status is completed.
- Click Wake Up Agents.
- Run the following command on the system. The command should show the latest kernel module version 10070Xxxx:
lsmod | grep -i mfe
Upgrade ENSL with the Newer Kernel Module Package:
Requirement – A 10.7.5.x or later version of the
McafeeTP and
McAfeeESP-KernelModule-10.7.X-xxx-Release-ePO packages is checked-in to ePO. Make sure that both the kernel module and installation packages are in the same branch.
- Trigger the installation task from ePO.
- Wait until the status is completed.
- Click Wake Up Agents.
- Run the following command on the system. The command should show the latest kernel module version 10070Xxxx:
lsmod | grep -i mfe