Dans un scénario rare, il existe un conflit entre Device Guard et prévention contre les exploits qui empêche le chargement du pilote
mfeepmpk.sys au démarrage.
Le symptôme principal de ce problème est que
McAfee Agent,
afficher l’état de sécurité indique : la
prévention contre les exploits est désactivée.
Dans la barre d’État (McAfee signale que la
EndpointSecurityPlatform_Debug.log prévention contre les exploits est désactivée) :
McTray(15808.3884) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: UpdateMcTrayStatus: Issue: Exploit Prevention is disabled.
McTray(15808.17140) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: CheckTechnologyState: boName: BO, enabledState: 0, desiredState: 1
EndpointSecurityPlatform_Errors.logA partir de :
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error (Gbop.cpp:3843): Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error (Gbop.cpp:1451): Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Error (BoBl.cpp:1685): Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
EndpointSecurityPlatform_Debug.logA partir de :
McTray(15808.3884) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: CheckTechnologyState: boName: BO, enabledState: 0, desiredState: 1
McTray(15808.3884) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: UpdateMcTrayStatus: Issue: Exploit Prevention is disabled.
ExploitPrevention_Activity.logA partir de :
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Activity: Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
ExploitPrevention_Debug.logA partir de :
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::Init Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::ApplyConfiguration Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::LazyLoadBOEngine Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::LoadBOEngine Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: HipShield debug value set to 1
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error: Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::UnloadBOEngine Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: About to delete all registered Content
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::UnloadBOEngine All registered content were succesfully removed
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::UnLoadBOEngine Call completed
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error: Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::Init Called ended
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Setting BOP status: 3
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Set requested setting: 2
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Setting current state: 3
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Activity: Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Error: Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Failed to enable BOP