En casos poco frecuentes, existe un conflicto entre la protección de dispositivos y la prevención de exploits que impide que el controlador
mfeepmpk.sys se cargue durante el arranque.
El principal síntoma de este problema es que
McAfee Agent,
ver estado de seguridad Estados:
prevención de exploit está desactivada.
En la
EndpointSecurityPlatform_Debug.log bandeja de McAfee informa de que prevención de exploits está desactivada:
McTray(15808.3884) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: UpdateMcTrayStatus: Issue: Exploit Prevention is disabled.
McTray(15808.17140) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: CheckTechnologyState: boName: BO, enabledState: 0, desiredState: 1
En la
EndpointSecurityPlatform_Errors.log :
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error (Gbop.cpp:3843): Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error (Gbop.cpp:1451): Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Error (BoBl.cpp:1685): Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
En la
EndpointSecurityPlatform_Debug.log :
McTray(15808.3884) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: CheckTechnologyState: boName: BO, enabledState: 0, desiredState: 1
McTray(15808.3884) <xxx> McTray.McTrayUPC.Debug: UpdateMcTrayStatus: Issue: Exploit Prevention is disabled.
En la
ExploitPrevention_Activity.log :
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Activity: Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
En la
ExploitPrevention_Debug.log :
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::Init Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::ApplyConfiguration Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::LazyLoadBOEngine Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::LoadBOEngine Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: HipShield debug value set to 1
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error: Failed to activate Exploit Prevention engine: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::UnloadBOEngine Called
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: About to delete all registered Content
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::UnloadBOEngine All registered content were succesfully removed
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::UnLoadBOEngine Call completed
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Activity: Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Error: Load Exploit Prevention engine failed: 0x13
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.Gbop.Debug: Gbop::Init Called ended
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Setting BOP status: 3
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Set requested setting: 2
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Setting current state: 3
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Activity: Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Error: Exploit Prevention enabling technology failed.
mfetp(7956.10664) <SYSTEM> TmpLogger.BoBl.Debug: Failed to enable BOP