This support statement is provided by the Product Management Team.
FRP 5.x does not support encryption and decryption of files or folders that are case sensitive. This limitation does
not prevent users from working with files and folders with case-sensitive names if they are not encrypted.
FRP 5.0.8 and later versions display the following message to a user on the FRP client when any attempt is made to encrypt or decrypt case-sensitive files.
Accessing encrypted files in a case-sensitive folder is not supported
Path (Example) C:\cAseSensiTive_path\
Refer to KB90730 for more details.
- FRP 5.0.7 and earlier versions do not display any message and allow the user to complete the encrypt or decrypt action. But, data loss is incurred if there are conflicting file names because the file names having different cases.
- Customers are advised to upgrade to FRP 5.0.8 to prevent data loss and to ensure that such operations are prevented.
For additional information about limitations that apply to this release, see
KB85807 - File and Removable Media Protection 5.x Known Issues.